Peer Support Scheme
Would you like to be a peer mentor or be helped by a peer mentor?
What types of support does the PPC scheme provide?
There are different types of support which our Peer Mentors can provide.
Your course/the workload
Friends and relationships
Worries about the future
Cultural differences
Peer pressure
Exam anxiety
Supporting a friend who is experiencing difficulty
There may be more informal support which Peer Mentors may be involved in, but we have formalised 2 support packages: Statistics Mentoring package and 21st Century Skills Mentoring Package
Statistics Mentor
A statistic mentor will provide you with tools to facilitate the grasp of the statistical procedures. You will benefit from having access to online training tools designed by your mentor or 1-2-1 meetings for questions and support.
21st Century Skills Mentor
A skills mentor will guide you through the steps needed to reach your potential both academically and professionally.
Peer Supporters have been specifically selected and trained in listening, questioning and responding skills to ensure they are able to help other students to reach their own solutions. It can be helpful to talk to someone who is non-judgemental, impartial and outside of your situation.
Peer Supporters are available and happy to listen to any problems.